Let’s Start Delivering Food and Family Fun

With entertainment centers closing down to minimize the spread of COVID-19 around the world, you have to find ways to inject cash into your business—fast.

To help the amusement industry get through this crisis, we have partnered with UpMenu and Bookeo to help you take food orders online and deliver parties to homes. These online ordering systems are quick to set up, easy to use, and affordable.

The best part is that they don’t take any commissions from your sales.

food ordering system that allows you to order on mobile phone and desktop

Online Food Ordering System

If you have a kitchen, you can manage online orders, set delivery fees based on location, and collect tips with UpMenu. It’s easy to set up and use so you can start promoting it to your audience.

Online Party Booking System

While families are celebrating birthdays in their homes during isolation, why not deliver a little fun to brighten their days? While your facility is closed, you can drop off creative party packages or offer rentals.

If you are not already using an online party booking system, consider using Bookeo. You’ll be able to accept online payments and set times for your party delivery. With plans starting at $39.95, they don’t charge commissions or booking fees.

mobile birthday parties being booked online

Watch a Free Mind Meld Session

Access an on-demand recording of an online workshop where we cover why and how you can get started with online deliveries and parties.

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