When opening a new social venue or family entertainment center, the key to success is understanding the parallels between construction and brand building. As small business owners setting out to make your vision a reality, creating social media buzz is crucial to generate awareness for your new facility.
To do so, the content shared on social platforms must excite potential visitors and build your brand. Just as construction blunders can cause issues in the long run, creating a weak foundation for your brand can quickly lead to brand erosion.
Knowing what metrics to measure regarding the effectiveness of your pre-launch campaign is crucial to brand building. Metrics such as new followers, reach, and engagement should all be tracked, but additionally, you want to look at how engaged your audience is with the content. This will let you know if people enjoy your content, allowing you to iterate on it for optimal results before launch day.
Ultimately, building an online presence from the ground up requires well-thought-out context and authentic content, as this will ensure maximum impact when launching a new venue.
To help you shape a pre-launch social media campaign, we’re listing a few examples of the types of posts we have found to grow email lists, attract job candidates, and build an audience.
Share Your Progress
Once you create your page and invite your friends and family, and vendors to Like/Follow your page, you can let everyone know it’s for real. As people learn more about what you have planned, their curiosity will grow – making the journey of building your business even more exciting for everyone involved.
Introduce the Key Players
Building relationships with customers is one of the most important things a business can do, and it starts with trust. Introducing your founders and staff through personal stories of their journeys helps to make them real people, instead of faceless businessmen or corporation heads.
Attract Talent
An organization’s employer brand is a crucial determinant in the successful recruitment of new employees. It communicates that your company is an attractive and desirable workplace, so stand-out candidates can be recruited to join your team before you launch. A positive employer brand makes recruiting easier and helps ensure you are sufficiently staffed before opening day.
Go Live During the Grand Opening
An organization’s employer brand is a crucial determinant in the successful recruitment of new employees. It communicates that your company is an attractive and desirable workplace, so stand-out candidates can be recruited to join your team before you launch. A positive employer brand makes recruiting easier and helps ensure you are sufficiently staffed before opening day.
Share the Experience
The grand opening of your new venture is an inspiring time. After months of hard work, you can finally share your vision with the world and start engaging with guests on a whole new level. Rather than relying on stock photography and videos that everyone has seen before, take the extra time to create something fresh and unique to truly captivate your audience and make them feel a connection to your brand.
Start Building Your Brand
A pre-launch social media campaign is crucial in building a solid foundation for your brand. It helps you build relationships with potential customers, attract talent, and start your business with a bang. If you’re evaluating vendors to run your social media campaign, look at the quality of content through engagement rates.
Check out this handy tool to calculate engagement rates for social posts.